
تتوافق المراجع المكتوبة بالخط العريض مع التأليفات المشتركة بين الشمال والجنوب

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  2. Fahrani N., Carreau J., Boulet G., Kassouk Z., Mougenot B., Le Page M., Zitouna R., 2019. Interpolation approaches based on auxiliary data to extend climatic series in space and in time for water stress retrieval in central Tunisia. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21). DOI.
  3. Kassouk Z., Zayani H., Mougenot B., Mabrouki R., Lili Chabaane Z., 2019. Remote sensing of tillage areas and period in order to elaborate an initial cultural calendar in case of semi-arid region. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21). DOI.
  1. Bousbih S., Zribi M., Lili-Chabaane Z., Fanise P., Mougenot B., & Baghdadi N., 2018. Sensitivity of Sentinel-1 radar data to soil and vegetation parameters. Fifth recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, 292. DOI.
  2. Chebbi W., Le Dantec, V., Boulet G., Désiré A., Chabaane Z. L., Mougenot B., Fanise P., 2018. Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as a proxy of Light use Efficiency (LUE) and transpiration in Mediterranean olive grove. Fifth recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, 327. DOI.
  3. Kassouk Z., Lili Chabaane Z., Deffontaines B., El Hajj M., Baghdadi, N., 2018. Contribution of the Integrated Topo‐bathymetric Model for Coastal Wetland Evolution: Case of Geomorphologic and Biological Evolution of Ichkeul Marshes (North Tunisia). QGIS and applications in water and risks (vol. 4), Publisher: Wiley, Editors: Nicolas Baghdadi, Clément Mallet, Mehrez Zribi, pp.35-76. DOI.
  4. Lagacherie P., Gomez C., 2018. Vis-NIR-SWIR Remote Sensing Products as New Soil Data for Digital Soil Mapping. In: McBratney A., Minasny B., Stockmann U. (eds) Pedometrics. Progress in Soil Science. Springer, Cham. DOI.
  5. Pontoreau C., C. Finco, C. Schamper, S. Massuel, G. Hovhannissian, F. Rejiba, A. Sebaï. 2018. Mapping a confining layer underlying the Kelbia salt lake with time-domain electromagnetic method (Central Tunisia): relevance and limitations. Geotop student meeting, 7-8 March, 2018, Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada.
  1. Alaya I., Masmoudi M. M., Lagacherie P., Coulouma G., Jacob F., Mechlia N.B., 2017. Performance of Saxton and Rawls Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Soil Water Properties in the Cap Bon Region-Northern Tunisia. In Water and Land Security in Drylands (pp. 77-85). Springer International Publishing. DOI.
  2. Boudhina N., Masmoudi M. M., Jacob F., Prévot L., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Mekki I., Mechlia, N. B., 2017. Measuring Crop Evapotranspiration Over Hilly Areas. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (pp. 909-911). Springer, Cham. DOI.
  3. Boudhina N., Masmoudi M. M., Mechlia N. B., Zitouna R., Mekki I., Prévot L., Jacob, F., 2017. Evapotranspiration of Wheat in a Hilly Topography: Results from Measurements Using a Set of Eddy Covariance Stations. In Water and Land Security in Drylands (pp. 67-76). Springer International Publishing. DOI.
  4. Lachaal F., Chargui S., Messaoud R.B., Chekirbane A., Tsujimura M., Mlayah A., Massuel S., Leduc C., 2017. Impacts of Global Changes on Groundwater Resources in North-East Tunisia: The Case of the Grombalia Phreatic Aquifer. In: Calvache M., Duque C., Pulido-Velazquez D. (eds) Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Area. Environmental Earth Sciences. Springer, Cham. DOI.
  5. Leduc C., Massuel S., Riaux J., Calvez R., Ogilvie A., Benaïssa N., Lachaal F., Jenhaoui Z., 2017. Changement global et ressources en eau souterraines dans la région de Kairouan (Tunisie centrale): évolutions rapides et a long terme. Proceedings Congress on Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Granada 2017-2063-2096. DOI.
  6. Jerbi H., Massuel S., Leduc C., Riaux J., Tarhouni J., 2017. To What Extent Can Groundwater Uses Affect Long Term Sustainable Exploitation Schemes? Case Study of the Bouhefna-Haffouz Aquifer System (Central Tunisia). In Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (pp. 927-930). Springer, Cham. DOI.
  7. Mabrouk H., Feurer D., Massuel S., Ben Jemaa, F., 2017. Un exemple de l’utilisation des drones dans la gestion technique d’un verger de pêcher en Tunisie. Watch Letter, 2017, 38, 73-79.
  8. Mekki I., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Souissi N., Jacob F., Raclot D. 2017. Exploring the use of SWAT to model a small marly agricultural catchment in Tunisia. Proceedings of the Agrosym 2017 International symposium held in Jahoriana, Bosnia and Herzigovena, 5-8 October, 2017, 1904-1910. DOI.
  9. Sebai A., Massuel S., Tarhouni J., Jerbi H., 2017. Groundwater Recharge of the Kairouan Plain Aquifer: Evidence of Preferential Flow Paths Through the El Haouareb Limestones?. In Water and Land Security in Drylands 2017 (pp. 57-65). Springer International Publishing. DOI.
  10. Zitouna-Chebbi R., Prévot L., Chakhar A., Marniche Ben Abdallah M., Jacob F., 2017. Observing Actual Evapotranspiration within a Hilly Watershed: Case Study of the Kamech Site, Cap Bon. Peninsula, Tunisia. Proceedings 2017, 1, 113. DOI
  1. Boulet G., (coord.), 2016. Impacts on water and soils. In: Thiébault S. (ed.), Moatti Jean-Paul (ed.). The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update. Marseille: IRD, AllEnvi, 2016, p. 291-333. (Synthèses). DOI.
  2. Gomez C., Lagacherie P., 2016. Mapping of primary soil properties using optical visible and near infrared (Vis-NIR) remote sensing. In : Baghdadi N. (ed.), Zribi M. (ed.) Land surface remote sensing in agriculture and forest. Oxford (GBR) ; Londres : Elsevier ; ISTE, 1-35. (Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set). ISBN 978-1-78548-103-1. DOI.
  3. Gorretta N., Gomez C., 2016. Spectral and Spatial Unmixing Approaches in Hyperspectral VNIR/SWIR Imaging. In “Resolving Spectral MixturesWith Applications from Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy to Super-Resolution Imaging”, 579 – 611. DOI..
  4. Jarlan L., Khabba S., Szczypta C., Lili-Chabaane Z., Driouech F., Le Page M., Hanich L., Fakir Y., Boone A., Boulet G., 2016. Water resources in South Mediterranean catchments: assessing climatic drivers and impacts. In: Thiébault S. (ed.), Moatti Jean-Paul (ed.). The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update. Marseille: IRD, AllEnvi, 2016, p. 303- 309. (Synthèses). DOI.
  5. Kuper M., Hammani A., Ameur F., Hamamouche M. F., Massuel S., Hartani T., 2016. What should be done with north Africa’s groundwater resources? In : A new emerging rural world – an overview of rural change in Africa. Pesche Denis (ed.), Losch Bruno (ed.), Imbernon Jacques (ed.). Montpellier : Cirad, Nepad, pp. 64-65. ISBN 978-2-87614-719-5. DOI.
  6. Lagouarde J.P., Boulet G., 2016. Energy Balance of Continental Surfaces and the Use of Surface Temperature, In Land Surface Remote Sensing in Continental Hydrology, edited by Nicolas Baghdadi and Mehrez Zribi, 323-361, Elsevier. DOI.
  7. Leduc C., Pulido Bosch A., Remini B., Massuel S., 2016 Changes in Mediterranean groundwater resources. In: Thiébault S. (ed.), Moatti Jean-Paul (ed.). The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update. Marseille: IRD; AllEnvi, 2016, p. 327-333. DOI.
  8. Raclot D., Le Bissonnais Y., Annabi M., Sabir M., 2016. Challenges for mitigating Mediterranean soil erosion under global change. In: Thiébault S. (ed.), Moatti Jean-Paul (ed.). The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update. Marseille: IRD, AllEnvi, 2016, p. 311- 318. (Synthèses). DOI.
  9. Riaux J., Massuel S., Billaud J.-P., Cornu P., Richard-Ferroudji A., Barreteau O., 2016. Expériences interdisciplinaires : quel retour vers les disciplines ?, in Interdisciplinarité entre Nature et Société, edited by H. B. and M. N., Peter Lang. DOI.
  10. Voltz M., Mekki I., Molénat J., Prévot L., Raclot D., Zitouna-Chebbi R., 2016 Long term agro-ecosystem observatories in the Mediterranean. In: Thiébault S. (ed.), Moatti Jean-Paul (ed.). The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update. Marseille: IRD, AllEnvi, 2016, p. 467-475. (Synthèses). DOI.