
les références en gras correspondent à des co-autariats nord-sud

  1. Ahmed, A. B., Taoujouti, N., Mekki, I., Bailly, J. S., & Rizzo, D. (2023, October). Rôle des éléments paysager linéaires dans la configuration spatiale des systèmes de culture. In Modélisation de paysages agricoles pour l’analyse et la simulation de processusDOI
  2. Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Ouaadi, N., Baghdadi, N., & Zribi, M. (2023). NDVI time series filling over wheat fields using the Sentinel-1 data (No. EGU23-2738). Copernicus Meetings. DOI

  3. Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Chabaane, Z. L., Ouaadi, N., Baghdadi, N., & Zribi, M. (2023, July). Potential of the Normalized Polarization Ratio and the Interferometric Coherence Sentinel-1 Data to Reconstruct the NDVI Wheat Cycle at a Field Scale. In IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 3217-3220). IEEE.  DOI

  4. Khlif, M., José Escorihuela, M., Chahbi Bellakanji, A., Paolini, G., Kassouk, Z., & Lili Chabaane, Z. (2023, May). Automatization of an early cereal maps classification model from 2010/2011 to 2021/2022 in a semi-arid region. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU-14652). DOI

  5.  Vandôme, P., Leauthaud, C., Moinard, S., Mekki, I., Zairi, A., and Belaud, G.: Water user Fab Labs: co-design of low-tech sensors for irrigated systems , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12622,DOI
    1. Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Baghdadi, N., & Zribi, M. (2022). Estimation of soil moisture within drip irrigation context in pepper fields using ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 data (No. EGU22-3937). Copernicus Meetings. DOI
    2. Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Baghdadi, N. and Zribi, M., 2022, July. Potential of the Modified Water Cloud Model to Estimate Soil Moisture in Drip-Irrigated Pepper Fields Using ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 Data. In IGARSS 2022-2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 5700-5703). IEEE. DOI
    3. Abdelghaffar, A.B., Zitouna-Chebbi, R., Raclot, D., Jacob, F., Albergel, J., Molenat, J., Prevot, L. and Mekki, I., 2022, July. Use of SWAT for hydrological modeling and evaluation of water flows in a semi-arid rainfed watershed in Tunisia. In 2022 SWAT Conference Agenda.
    4. Ben Abdelghaffar A., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Raclot D., Jacob F., Molénat J., Prévot L., Albergel J., Mekki I. Use of SWAT for hydrological modeling and evaluation of water flows in a semi-arid rainfed watershed in Tunisia (2022). International SWAT Conference & Workshops, Prague, Czech Republic, 11-15, July 2022.
    5. Baudron, P., Leduc, C., Mohamed, A.S., Zeddouri, A., Hadj-Said, S., Leblanc, M., Lachaal, F., Tweed, S. and Aróstegui, J.L.G., 2022. A not-so-paradoxical groundwater rise in semi-arid environments (No. IAHS2022-486). Copernicus Meetings.
    6. Bouteffeha, M., Dagès, C., Molenat, J. and Bouhlila, R., 2022, May. Numerical exploration of the dynamics of infiltration in hill reservoir. In IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022.
    7. Dhouib, M., Zitouna, R., Mekki, I., Prevot, L., Molenat, J. and Jacob, F., 2022, May. Multi-criteria evaluation of the AquaCrop model in a Mediterranean rainfall context. In IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022.DOI
    8. Chahbi, A., Zribi, M., Shil, E., & Lili-Chabaane, Z. (2022). Characterization of cereals in a semi-arid context based on remote sensing indicators from high spatial resolution images from the Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellite in central Tunisia (No. EGU22-9150). Copernicus Meetings. DOI
    9. Ferchichi I., Mekki I., Elloumi M., Zairi A. 2022. A participatory process for exploring sustainable groundwater management options: A case study in Northern Tunisia. International Symposium AGROECOINFO 2022. Volos, Greece du 30/06/2022 au 01/07/2022.
    10. Ferchichi I., Zairi A., Marlet S. 2022. Water scarcity conflicts: Supporting dialogue and negociation. IAHS-AISH International Scientific Assembly 2022. S4- Water resource management in a changing world: economic, environmental, and societal trade-offs and synergies. Montpellier, France, du 29 Mai au 3 Juin 2022.
    11. Ferchichi I., Mekki I., Biarnés A., Elloumi M., Zairi A. 2022. Trajectoires d’évolution des structures foncières agricoles et leurs impacts sur le fonctionnement des exploitations dans le bassin versant de Lebna, Cap Bon. Journées INRAT de rétrospection et de réflexion : LE RURAL, L’AGRICULTURE ET LES PAYSANS/AGRICULTEURS EN TUNISIE-Rétrospective et devenirs » , organisées par l’INRAT en collaboration avec le Groupe Petites Paysanneries. Tunis, Tunisie, du 13 au 14 mai 2022.
    12. Khlif, M., Bellakanji, A. C., Escorihuela, M. J., Stefan, V. G., & Chabaane, Z. L. (2022). Potential of remote sensing data to analyze the effect of drought on wheat yields in the Mediterranean region: study area Kairouan Tunisia and Lleida Spain (No. EGU22-291). Copernicus Meetings. DOI
    13. Hamdi R., Raclot D., Mekki I., Albergel J. Impact of weather types on rainfall, runoff and sediment yield in a Mediterranean cultivated landscape: case of Kamech catchment (OMERE Observatory). AISH, Montpellier, France, May 29th to June 3rd, 2022. (poster)
    14. Jerbi, H., Massuel, S., Riaux, J., Leduc, C. and Tarhouni, J., 2022. A socio-hydrological journey around the Wadi Merguellil in central Tunisia (No. IAHS2022-91). Copernicus Meetings.
    15. Mekki, I., Zitouna-Chebbi, R., Benyoussef, S., Abdelghaffar, A., Jacob, F. and Albergel, J., 2022. Analysis of rainfed cereal-legume mixture cropping water productivity in Lebna catchment, Cap-Bon, Tunisia (No. IAHS2022-680). Copernicus Meetings.
    16. Vandôme, P., Belaud, G., Leauthaud, C., Moinard, S., Mekki, I., Zairi, A., Charron, F., Leconte, J., Ferchichi, I. and Ajmi, T., 2022. Exploring ways to improve agricultural water management on two Mediterranean irrigated systems: promises of wireless low-tech sensor networks (No. IAHS2022-90). Copernicus Meetings
    17. Raclot, D., Hamdi, R., Mekki, I. and Albergel, J., 2022. Impact of weather types on rainfall, runoff and sediment yield in a Mediterranean cultivated landscape (No. IAHS2022-153). Copernicus Meetings.DOI
    1.  Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Lili Chabaane, Z., Bousbih, S., & Zribi, M. (2021). Soil moisture estimation over cereals fields using l-band alos2 data (merguellil case-KAIROUAN). In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts(pp. EGU21-422). DOI

    2. Lachaal, F., Hedoin, J., Collignon, B. 2021. Oral presentation. Estimation of marine intrusion in coastal aquifers in the scenario of a sea level rise: using 3D-FEFLOW salinity transport models for Jerba and Ghar El Melh aquifers. 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.

    3. Ben Messaoud, R., Lachaal, F., Mlayah, A., Leduc, C. 2021. Poster presentation. Artificial recharge experience in Korba phreatic aquifer (North-East of Tunisia): What’s new 12 years later? . 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.

    4. Ben Chouchene, A., Lachaal, F., Gabtni H., Zouhri L. 2021. Poster presentation. Contribution of geophysical methods to characterize the geometry of the Grombalia aquifer system (NE-Tunisia). 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.
    5. Ouhich, N., Hamdi, R., Lachaal, F., Gabtni, H., Grunberger, O. 2021. Oral presentation. Assessment of groundwater recharge using piezometric and isotopic monitoring: Water seepage from Lebna dam in the Cap-Bon region (North-Est Tunisia) . 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.
    6. Chargui, S., El Mouaddeb, R., Zarrour, R., Ben Khelifa, W., Lachaal, F., Slimani M. 2021. Oral presentation. Understanding climate variability and rainfall changes in Tunisia:  Trend analysis in different case studies. 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.
    7. El Mouaddeb R., Chargui S., Zarrour R., Ben Khelifa W., Lachaal F., 2021. Poster presentation. Space time changes in annual and seasonal precipitations: Trends and breaks in long term rainfall records in Lebna and Oued el Bey basin, Tunisia. 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.
    8. Rafika ZARROUR, Sameh CHARGUI, Rabeb EL MOUADDEB, Walid BEN KHELIFA and Fethi LACHAAL. 2021. Poster presentation. Assessment of extreme rainfall trend under changing climate (study case: Lebna basin, Cap Bon-Tunisia) . 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress / Water Quality, Global Changes and Groundwater Responses (AGIC2021), 22-24 March 2021, CERTE, Tunisie.
    9.  Farhani, N., Boulet, G., Carreau, J., Kassouk, Z., Le Page, M., Lili Chabaane, Z., and Zitouna, R.: Contribution of remote sensing and auxiliary variables in the study of the evolution of periods of droughts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2306, DOI
    1. Barbouchi M., Alaya I., Abdelfattah R., Mekki I., Zitouna-Chebbi R. (2020). Correlation estimation between cereals height and INSAR coherence: a case study of the Lebna watershed in Cap-Bon, Tunisia. M2GARSS 2020 Paper #1159.

    2. N. Farhani; N J. Carreau J; G. Boulet;G  Z. Kassouk Z; B. Mougenot ; M. Le Page; Z. L. Chabaane; R. Zitouna, « Scenarios of Hydrometeorological Variables Based on Auxiliary Data for Water Stress Retrieval in Central Tunisia, » 2020 Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (M2GARSS), 2020, pp. 293-296,

    3. Feurer, D., Bemis, S., Coulouma, G., Mabrouk, H., Massuel, S., Barbosa, R. V., Thomas, Y., Ammann, J., and Vinatier, F.: Time-SIFT : a frugal method for leveraging multi-temporal photogrammetric data without ancillary data, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10187,, 2020.
  1. Azaiez H, Gabtni H, Hovhannissian G, Bessrour A. Prospection géophysique au service de l’archéologie ; Application de la méthode électrique pour la reconnaissance du site d’une huilerie souterraine ensevelie sur l’île de Djerba, Tunisie. CMGA 8. 8ème Colloque Maghrébin de Géophysique Appliquée. 21-23 mars 2019 – Hammamet, TUNISIE.

  2. Ben Messaoud R., Lachaal F., Leduc C. 2019. Impacts of domestic treated wastewater on the shallow aquifer of the Kairouan plain (Central Tunisia). Oral Presentation in the 2nd Atlas GeoresourcesInternational Congress AGIC 2019 “Applied geosciences forgroundwater”,Hammamet, Tunisia 28-30 March 2019.

  3. Ben Chouchene A, Lachaal F, Boulares A, Gabtni H,. 2019. 2D Seismic supported by wells data for hydrogeological system study of Grombalia Graben (Northeastern Tunisia). Oral Presentation in the 8th Maghrebian colloquium pf applied geophysics CMGA8 -21-23 March 2019.Hammamet, Tunisia.

  4. Bousbih, S., Zribi, M., Zohra Lili-Chabaane, Nicolas Baghdadi, Qi Gao, Irrigation mapping using products derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series over a Mediterranean semi-arid region, EGU, Vienne, Autriche, 7-12 Avril 2019

  5. Bousbih, S., Zribi, M., Mohammad El Hajj, Nicolas Baghdadi, Zohra Lili Chabaane and Pascal Fanise, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 datafor soil moisture and irrigation mapping over semi-arid region, IGARSS,Yokohama, Japan, 28 Juillet-2 Aout 2019.

  6. Chargui S., Jabari A., Christophe C., Lachaal F., Slimani M., 2019. Assessing the coevolution of climate and groundwater resources in a semi-arid region (Grombalia catchment, Tunisia). Poster in the2nd Atlas Georesources International Congress “Applied geosciences forgroundwater”,Hammamet, Tunisia 28-30 March 2019.

  7. Charni W., H. Azaiez, W. Jouini, S. Hajlaoui et G. Hovhannissian. 2019. Apport de la cartographie de résistivité électrique dans l’étude de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés des sols dans une parcelle agricole du Périmètre Irrigué de Merguellil, Kairouan. CMGA 8. 8ème Colloque Maghrébin de Géophysique Appliquée. 21-23 mars 2019 – Hammamet, TUNISIE

  8. Farhani, N., Carreau, J., Boulet, G., Kassouk, Z., Mougenot, B., Le Page, M. Scenarios of hydrometeorological variables based on auxiliary data for water stress retrieval in central Tunisia.http:jds2019.sfds.

  9. Fahrani, N., Carreau, J., Boulet, G., Kassouk, Z., Mougenot, B., Page, M. L.,  Zitouna, R. (2019, January). Interpolation approaches based on auxiliary data to extend climatic series in space and in time for water stress retrieval in central Tunisia. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).

  10. Jouini W., G. Hovhannissian, H. Azaiez, W. Charni, S. Hajlaoui et M. Hachicha. 2019. Caractérisation de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés des sols dans une parcelle agricole par des méthodes géophysiques : Cartographie électromagnétique et Tomographie de résistivité électrique 2D. CMGA 8. 8ème Colloque Maghrébin de Géophysique Appliquée. 21-23 mars 2019 – Hammamet, TUNISIE

  11. Gorrab, A., Zribi, M., Nicolas BaghdadiSafa Bousbih, Mohammad El-Hajj, Multi-frequency radar signals for the retrieval of soil roughness parameters in a Mediterranean semi-arid region, EGU, Vienne, Autriche,7-12 Avril 2019.

  12. Le Page, M. and Zribi, M., Analysis and Predictability of Drought in Northwest Africa using Optical and Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing Products, EGU,Vienne, Autriche, 7-12 Avril 2019.

  13. Lachaal F., Hedoin J., Collignon B. 2019. How to safeguard groundwater resources in Jerba Island in the scenario of a sea level rise using 3D-FEFLOW salinity transport model? Oral Presentation in the 2nd Atlas Georesources International Congress AGIC 2019“Applied geosciences for groundwater”, Hammamet, Tunisia 28-30 March 2019

  14. Ouhichi N., Hamdi R., Lachaal F., Grunberger O., 2019. Hydrogeophysical characterization of groundwater recharge by the leakage of the lebna dam (Cap-Bon, north of Tunisia). Oral Presentation in the 2nd Atlas Georesources International Congress AGIC 2019 “Appliedgeosciences for groundwater”, Hammamet, Tunisia 28-30 March 2019

  15. Zribi, M., N. Baghdadi, S. Bousbih, M. El-Hajj , Q. Gao, Surface moisture and irrigation mapping at agricultural field scale using the synergy Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2 data, Geoglam ISRS Joint International Workshop on Earth Observations for Agricultural Monitoring, New Delhi, Inde, 18-20Février 2019.

  16. Zribi, M., Boubih, S., Qi Gao, Nicolas Baghdadi, Maria-José Escorihuela, Zohra Lili-Chabaane, Mohammad El-Hajj, Irrigation mapping based on Sentinel-1 radar data, Living planet symposuim,Milan, Italie, 13-17 Mai 2019.

  1. Akakpo, K., Leauthaud, C., Ben Aissa, N., Bouarfa, S., & Bahri, A. (2018). In the search for innovative agroecological farming practices in irrigated landscapes of North Africa: Case of Kairouan plain in Central Tunisia. PS-7.3-03. Agroscope.

  2. Bousbih, S., Zribi, M., Bernard Mougenot, Pascal Fanise, Zohra Lili-Chabaane, Nicolas Baghdadi, Monitoring of surface soil moisture based on optical and radar data over agricultural fields, 2018 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologiesfor Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Sousse, 21-23 Mars 2018.

  3. Bousbih, S., Zribi, M., Zohra Lili-Chabaane, Nicolas Baghdadi, Mohammad El Hajj, and Bernard Mougenot, Optical and radar satellite synergy for the estimation of the surface watercondition, EGU, Vienne, 8-13 Avril 2018.

  4. Bussière François, Ducreux Laure, Comte Irina, Andrieux Patrick, Mottes Charles, Tailame Anne-Lise, Cattan Philippe, Adele Georges, Bajazet T., Della Rossa Pauline, Lacaze Thomas, Nannette J.B., Onapin Germain, Ponchant Lise, Robin N., Charlier Jean-Baptiste, Grünberger Olivier, Jannoyer Magalie, Samouelian Anatja, Voltz Marc. 2018. OPALE : Un dispositif de bassins versants instrumentés pour la recherche et le suivi des contaminations des écosystèmes par les pesticides aux Antilles. Quelle contribution à la gestion des pollutions ? . Schoelcher : BRGM, Résumé, 2 p. Colloque scientifique et d’information sur la pollution par la chlordécone (Chlordecone 2018), Schoelcher, Martinique, 16 Octobre 2018/17 Octobre 2018.

  5. Barbouchi, M., Abdelfattah, R., Chokmani, K., BenAissa, N., & M’hammed, H. C. (2018, July). Wheat Growth Monitoring Using the Relationship Between Height and Interferometric Polarimetric Data. In IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 5363-5366). IEEE.

  6. Jouini, M., Ciampalini, R., Follain, S., Bessou, C., Burte, J., Benaissa, N., & Sinfort, C. (2018). Considering water and soil conservation works in Life Cycle Assessment: focus on contour ridges and erosion impacts.

  7. Fethi Lachaal, Donia Snoussi, Naziha Omri, Lobna Truki, Sameh Chargui, Hakim Gabtni and Christian Leduc. 2018. In the face of global and climate change: artificial recharge for groundwater remediation in a water stressed coastal region: case of Ras Jbel aquifer (North Tunisia). Proceedings, 3RD International Conference On African Large River Basin Hydrology (ICALRBH) Alger du 6 au 9 Mai 2018.

  8. Kassouk, Z; Mabrouki, R; Mougenot, B; Lili Chabaane, Z. Annual and seasonal agriculture land-use mapping using remote sensing in case of arid region. 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Proceedings from the conference held 4-13 April, 2018 in Vienna, Austria, p.13677.

  9. Ottlé, C., Fabienne Maignan, Aaron Boone, Zribi, M., Lionel Jarlan, Gilles Boulet, Michel LePage, Salha Er-Rakki, Said Khabba, Zohra Lili.Chabaane, and Allard DeWit, Impact of climate warming on growth and production of irrigated and rainfed wheat and olive orchard in Tunisia and Morocco, EGU, Vienne, 8-13 Avril 2018

  10. Mougenot. B. et al. (2018) Sentinel-2 for environmental resources in Tunisia first results with L2A data. Theia Workshopfor Sentinel-2 L2A MAJA products, 13-14 June 2018 Toulouse, France.

  11. Molénat, J; Dagés, C; Burtin, J; Bouteffeha, M; Mekki, I. Can small reservoirs be useful to gauge stream runoff ? 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Proceedings from the conference held 4-13 April, 2018 in Vienna, Austria, p.8566

  12. Pontoreau C., C. Finco, C. Schamper, S. Massuel, G. Hovhannissian, F. Rejiba, A. Sebaï. 2018. Mapping a confining layer underlying the Kelbia salt lake with time-domain electromagnetic method (Central Tunisia): relevance and limitations. Geotop student meeting, 7-8 March, 2018, Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada

  13. Zribi, M., Aaron Boone, Gilles Boulet, Lionel Jarlan, Said Khabba, Zohra Lili-Chabaane, Marielle Montginoul, Catherine Ottlé, and Amina Saaidi, Assessment of changes in MEdiTerranean HYdro-resources in the South: river basin Trajectories (AMETHYST), EGU, Vienne,8-13 Avril 2018

  14. Zribi, M., Nicolas Baghdadi, Safa Bousbih, Mohammad El-Hajj, Qi Gao, Maria Jose Escorihuela, Sekhar Muddu, SOIL Surface moisture estimation using the synergy S1/S2 data, IGARSS’2018, Valence, Espagne, 22-27 Juillet 2018.

  1. Ben Messaoud R, Lachaal F, Hezzi H, 2017. Poster. Assessment of the groundwater rise and contamination in Grombalia region, NE Tunisia. Abstract Book, 1stAGIC: The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  2. Bousbih, S., Zribi, M., Zohra Lili-Chabaane, Pascal Fanise, Bernard Mougenot, Nicolas Baghdadi, SENSITIVITY OF SENTINEL-1 RADAR DATA TO SOIL AND VEGETATION PARAMETERS, RAQRS, Valence, 22-27 septembre 2017.

  3. Chargui S., Jabari A., Lachaal F., Calvez R., 2017. Changes in precipitation with climate change: Investigation of interannual rainfall variability for Grombalia and Merguellil Basins, Tunisia. Communication orale. Congrès international MORGEO, Technologie géo-spatiale: Applications et perspectives. Casablanca-Maroc, 16-17 Mai 2017.

  4. Feurer, D., Massuel, S., El Maaoui, A., & Boussema, M. R. Which 3D changes can be seen with SfM processing of historical aerial imagery?. Colloque SFPT Photogrammtrie et tldtection: vers la convergence ENSG – 8-9 mars 2017.

  5. Gharbi N, Lachaal F, Chabaane A, Dhaoui M, Gabtni H, Calvez R, Massuel S, Hamdi N, Leduc C, 2017. Poster. Contribution des techniques géophysiques à la connaissance du système aquifère de Grombalia, Tunisie Nord orientale. Abstract Book, 1stAGIC: The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  6. Gharbi N, Lachaal F, Chabaane A, Dhaoui M, Gabtni H, Calvez R, Massuel S, Hamdi N, Leduc C, 2017. « Contribution des techniques géophysiques à la connaissance du système aquifère de Grombalia, Tunisie Nord orientale » (Abstract Book).The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  7. Jebari A, Chargui S, Hamdi N, Calvez R, 2017. « Variabilité climatique et son impact sur les ressources en eaux souterraines : cas des bassins de Grombalia et Merguellil en Tunisie ». (Abstract Book). The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  8. Jerbi H, Massuel S, Leduc C, Tarhouni J, 2017. « Dynamics of groundwater flood waves in the Merguellil alluvial aquifer (Central Tunisia) ».(Abstract Book). The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  9. Jerbi, H., Massuel, S., Leduc, C., Riaux, J., & Tarhouni, J. (2017, November). To What Extent Can Groundwater Uses Affect Long Term Sustainable Exploitation Schemes? Case Study of the Bouhefna-Haffouz Aquifer System (Central Tunisia). In Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (pp. 927-930). Springer, Cham.

  10. Jouini, M., Biard, Y., Benaissa, N., Burte, J., Amara, H., & Sinfort, C. (2017, November). Environmental Impact Evaluation of Cropping Systems Using Life Cycle Assessment: Case Study of Central Tunisia. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (pp. 287-289). Springer, Cham.

  11. Leduc C, Massuel S, Lachaal F, 2017. Anthropization of Mediterranean groundwater resources: changes in progress and issues for the next future. Keynote presented in 1stAGIC: The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  12. Leduc C., Massuel S., Riaux J., Calvez R., Ogilvie A., Benaïssa N., Lachaal F, Jenhaoui Z., 2017. Oral presentation. Changement global et ressources en eau souterraines dans la région de Kairouan (Tunisie centrale): évolutions rapides et a long terme.Proceedings Congress on Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Granada 2017-2063-2096.

  13. Lachaal F, Snoussi D., Omri N., Truki L., Chargui S., Gabtni H, Leduc C., 2017. Adaptinggroundwater artificial recharge to global and climate change in a water stressed coastal region: case of Ras Jebel aquifer (NW Tunisia). 3ème Congrès International GIRE3D «Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau et Défis du Développement Durable, cas des Régions Arides» Dakhla-Maroc, 6-8 Décembre 2017.

  14. Lachaal F, Chargui, S., Messaoud, R.B., Chekirbane, A., Tsujimura, M., Mlayah, A., Massuel, S., Leduc, C., 2017. Oral presentation. Impacts of Global Changes on Groundwater Resources in North-East Tunisia: The Case of the Grombalia Phreatic Aquifer. Environmental Earth Sciences. Proceedings Congress on Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Granada 2017-2063-2096.

  15. Lachaal F. Chkirbene A., Chargui S., Sellami H., Tsujimura M., Hezzi H., Jelassi F., Mlayah A., Massuel S., Leduc C., 2017. Oral presentation. Water Resource Management Strategies and its Implcation on Hydrodynamic and Hydrochemical Changes of coastal Groundwater: Case of Grombalia Shallow Aquifer, NE Tunisia ».1stAGIC:The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

    1. Leduc C, Massuel S, Lachaal F, 2017.  » Anthropization of Mediterranean groundwater resources: changes in progress and issues for the next future ». (Abstract Book).The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  16. Lachaal F, Chekirbane A, Chargui S, Sellami H, Tsujimura M, Hezzi H, Faycel J, Mlayah A, Massuel S, Leduc C, 2017. « Water resources management strategies and its implications on hydrodynamic and hydrochemical changes of costal groundwater: case of Grombalia shallow aquifer, NE Tunisia ».(Abstract Book). The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  17. Mekki I., Zitouna Chebbi R., Souissi N., Jacob F., Raclot D. 2017. Exploring the use of SWAT to model a small marly agricultural catchment in Tunisia. Proceedings of the Agrosym 2017 International symposium held in Jahoriana, Bosnia and Herzigovena, 5-8 October, 2017, (, pp: 1904-1910.

  18. Mekki, I., Zitouna Chebbi R., Jacob F., Ben Mechlia N., Masmoudi M., Prévot L., Albergel J., Voltz M., 2017. Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem. A case study in the Cap Bon Peninsula in Tunisia. Oral presentation, Agrosym 2017. International symposium held in Jahorina,Bosnia and Herzigovena, 5-8 October, 2017

  19. Snoussi D, Lachaal F, Truki L, Gabtni H, Leduc C, 2017. « Application of geophysical and hydrogeochemical tracers to investigate salinization sources in Ras Jebel region coastal aquifer, (NW Tunisia) » .(Abstract Book). The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  20. Snoussi D, Lachaal F, Truki L, Gabtni H, Leduc C, 2017. Oral presentation. Application of geophysical and hydrogeochemical tracers to investigate salinization sources in Ras Jebel region coastal aquifer, (NW Tunisia). Abstract Book, 1stAGIC: The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress. March 20 – 22, 2017, Hammamet – Tunisia.

  21. Zarai B., Montoroi Jean-Pierre, Hachicha M. (2017). Application des méthodes géophysiques pour le suivi de la salinité. Hammamet : s.n., 69. Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC), 1., Hammamet (TUN), 2017/03/20-22.

  1. Barbouchi, M., Abdelfattah, R., Chokmani, K., Aissa, N. B., cheikh Mhammed, H. (2016, July). Sentinel 1 response to cereal leaf area index (LAI): Study case for central Tunisia. In 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 7125-7128). IEEE.

  2. Boulet, G., Bahir, M., Delogu, E., Mougenot, B., Bousbih, S., Raimbault, B., Fanise, P., Saadi, S., Chebbi, W., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Rivalland, V., Lagouarde J.-P. and Olioso, 2016. Latent/sensible heat and water stress retrieval performances of the SPARSE dual-source energy balance model over irrigated and rainfed agricultural crops using eddy covariance, sap flow and extra-large aperture scintillometer data ».AAGU conference, San Francisco, December2016.

  3. Boulet G., Rivalland V., Bahir M., Mougenot B., Bousbih S., Fanise P., Lili-Chabaane Z., Olioso A. « The SPARSE model for the prediction of water stress and evapotranspiration components from thermal infra-red data and its evaluation over irrigated and rainfed wheat ». . GLOBTMP’2016, Lisbon, june 2016.

  4. Chebbi H., Biarnès, A., Mekki, I., Ajmi T., Blanca Y., Jacob F., Zairi A. 2016. « Déterminants des décisions d’affectations des cultures aux parcelles d’une exploitation sur le bassin versant de Lebna Cap-Bon, Tunisie ». Poster présenté à l’occasion des Journée scientifiques de l’INAT,  » Challenges of rain-fed agriculture  » Tunis, 20-16-17 November, 2016, Tunis, Tunisie

  5. Chahbi.A, Zribi.M, Lili-Chabaane.Z. « Remote sensing and modelling of vegetation dynamics for early estimation and spatial analysis of grain yields in semiarid context in central Tunisia » . European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria 17 -22 April 2016.

  6. Coste, M., J. Riaux, C. Riaux-Gobin, R. Calvez, S. Massuel, N. Benaissa. 2016. « Aïn Bou Rkhiss et Aïn Kibrit, deux sources du Bassin du Merguellil (Kairouan, Tunisie Centrale) : assemblages diatomiques, indices IBD et IPS, résultats préliminaires », edited, year, Belvaux, Grand-Duché du Luxembourg. 35th colloquium of the Association of French speaking diatomists (ADLAF).

  7. Chebbi, W., Le Dantec, V., Boulet, G., Lili Chabaane, Z., Fanise, P., Mougenot, B., Ayari, H., Cheheb, H., Rivalland, V., Zribi, M., 2016. Abstracts, pp. 12928.. « Characterization of water and energy exchanges for rainfed olive orchards in a semi-arid land: modeling and integration of remote sensing data ».EGU General Assembly Conference.

  8. Delay F., Mara T.A., Younes A. A New Bayesian Approach for Statistical Calibration of Computer Model. The 8th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output (SAMO), University of Reunion Island, Le Tampon, November 30th to December 3rd, 2016. (

  9. Feurer D, Massuel S., Maaoui M.AEl, Boussema M.R. 2016. « Which 3D changes can be assessed from SfM processing of historical aerial imagery ? » International Conference ‘ Exhibition Advanced Geospatial Science’ Technology (TeanGeo 2016), 2016,Tunis, Tunisia, 18-20 Oct, ..Teangeo 2016.

  10. Gorrab.A, Simonneaux.V, Zribi.M, Saadi.S, Lili-Chabaane.Z. « Major water balance variables Estimation, soil moisture and evaporation time series, using X-band SAR moisture product ». .European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria 17 -22 April 2016.

  11. Gorrab.A, Zribi.M, Baghdadi.N, Lili Chabaane.Z. « Mapping of surface soil parameters (roughness, moisture and texture) using one radar X-band SAR configuration over bare agricultural semi-arid region »International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS’2016, Pekin, 10-15 Juillet, 2016.

  12. Le Page, M., Gosset, C., Oueslati, I., Calvez, R., Zribi, M., & Lili Chabaane, Z. (2016, April). A generic open-source toolbox to help long term irrigation monitoring for integrated water management in semi-arid Mediterranean areas. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).

  13. Leduc, C., Massuel, S., Riaux, J., Benaïssa, N., Calvez, R., & Jenhaoui, Z. (2016, April). A groundwater overexploitation without sensitive impacts: technical approaches and social perception in central Tunisia. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).

  14. Koohbor B., Fahs M., Ataie-Ashtiani B., Younes A., Lehmann F. A new efficient implementation of the Fourier-Galerkin method for solving Dispersive Henry problem with contaminant transport. 43rd Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Montpelier, France, (September 2016).

  15. Inoubli, N., Raclot, D., Moussa, R., Habaieb, H., & Le Bissonnais, Y. (2016, April). Water and sediment dynamics in a small Mediterranean cultivated catchment under cracking soils. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).

  16. Mekki, I. Biarnès, A., Bailly, J.S., Vinatier, F., Chebbi H., Ajmi T., Blanca Y., Jacob F., Zairi A. 2016. Spatial patterns of farm land use in fragmented semi-arid landscapes: The case of Lebna catchment (Cap Bon, Tunisia). Proceedings of the AgroMed International Conference held in Avignon, France, 1-2 December, 2016. (

  17. Mekki, I. Biarnès, A., Bailly, J.S., Vinatier, F., Chebbi H., Ajmi T., Blanca Y., Jacob F., Zairi A. 2016. Spatial patterns of farm land use in fragmented semi-arid landscapes: The case of Lebna catchment (Cap Bon, Tunisia). Oral presentation in the AgroMed International Conference « ( and land system dynamics in the Mediterranean basin: integrating spatial scales, from the local to the globalone”, December 1-2, 2016 Avignon, France

  18. M. Zribi , A. Gorrab, N. Baghdadi, Z. Lili Chabaane. « Mapping of bare soil surface parameters (moisture, roughness, texture), from one terrasar-x radar configuration ». ESA Living Planet Symposuim, 9-13 mai, 2016.

  19. M. Shabou, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, L. Lassabatère, G. Boulet, B. Mougenot, Z. Lili Chabaane, M. Zribi « Large scale characterization of unsaturated soil properties in a semi-arid region combining infiltration, pedotransfer functions and evaporation tests ». . European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria 17 -22 April 2016.

  20. Rivalland, V., Drissi, H., Simonneaux, V., Tardy, B., Boulet, G., 2016.Abstracts, pp. 12326: « Mapping Irrigated Areas in the Tunisian Semi-Arid Context with Landsat Thermal and VNIR Data Imagery ». EGU General Assembly Conference.

  21. Rivalland, V., Tardy, B., Huc, M., Hagolle, O., Marcq, S., Boulet, G., 2016. Abstracts, pp. 12015. A Useful Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Temperature Estimation of Landsat Infrared Thermal Data. .EGU General Assembly Conference.

  22. Souissi, N., Mekki, I., Zitouna Chebbi, R., Jacob, F., Zairi A. 2016. Évaluation de l’impact des occupations des sols sur les flux hydriques : Implémentation du modèle SWAT sur le bassin versant de Kamech, Cap-Bon, Tunisie “. Poster présenté à l’occasion des Journée scientifiques de l’INAT,  » Challenges of rain-fed agriculture  » Tunis, 20-16-17 November, 2016, Tunis, Tunisie.

  23. Shao Q., Mara T.A., Younes A. A Bayesian based algorithm to build up sparse polynomial chaos expansions for global sensitivity analysis. The 8th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output (SAMO), University of Reunion Island, Le Tampon, November 30th to December 3rd, 2016 (

  24. Younes A., Fajraoui N., Mara T.A. On the usefulness of Global sensitivity analysis and Bayesian parameter inference for mass transfer in porous media. 13th Africain Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI’2016). Tunis, du 11 au 14 octobre 2016 Tunisie.

  25. Zribi, M., M Sahnoun, R Dussýaux, Saddek Afifi, Nicolas Baghdadi, A Ben Hamida, Analysis of P band radar signal potential to retrieve soil moisture profile, Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Monastir, 21-24 Mars, 2016.

  26. Zribi, M., Mouna Sahnoun, Nicolas Baghdadi, Ahmed Ben Hamida, Effect of soil roughness on backscattered P-band radar signal over bare soil, International Geoscience and Remote SensingSymposium, IGARSS’2016, Pekin, 10-15 Juillet, 2016

  27. Zribi, M., Azza Gorrab, Nicolas Baghdadi, Zohra Lili Chabaane, MAPPING OF BARE SOIL SURFACE PARAMETERS (MOISTURE, ROUGHNESS, TEXTURE) FROM ONE TERRASAR-X RADAR CONFIGURATION, ESA Living PlanetSymposuim, 9-13 mai, 2016.

  28. Zribi, M., M Sahnoun, N Baghdadi, T Letoan, A Ben Hamida, Effect of soil roughness on backscattered P-band radar signals, Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Monastir, 21-24 Mars, 2016

  29. Zarai B., Aroui Boukbida Hanane, Hachicha M., Montoroi Jean-Pierre. Limites méthodologiques pour caractériser le comportement hydrostructural d’un sol argileux salé (région de Kairouan, Tunisie Centrale). In : 13èmes Journées d’étude des sols : résumés. Louvain-la-Neuve : AFES ; SSSB, 2016, p. 51. Journées d’Etude des Sols, 13., Louvain-la-Neuve (BEL), 2016/07/04-08.
