
تتوافق المراجع المكتوبة بالخط العريض مع التأليفات المشتركة بين الشمال والجنوب

  1. Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Baghdadi, N., & Zribi, M. (2022). Investigation of Multi-Frequency SAR Data to Retrieve the Soil Moisture within a Drip Irrigation Context Using Modified Water Cloud Model. Sensors, 22(2), 580. DOI
  2. Bonsoms, J., & Boulet, G. (2022). Ensemble Machine Learning Outperforms Empirical Equations for the Ground Heat Flux Estimation with Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing14(8), 1788. DOI 
  3. Chargui, S., Lachaal, F., Ben Khelifa, W., & Slimani, M. (2022). Trends in seasonal and monthly rainfall for semi-arid Merguellil basin, central  Tunisia. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics134(1), 1-12.DOI
  4. Farhani, N., Carreau, J., Kassouk, Z., Le Page, M., Lili Chabaane, Z., & Boulet, G. (2022). Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tunisia. Remote Sensing, 14(8), 1813. DOI
  5. Gasmi, A., Gomez, C., Chehbouni, A., Dhiba, D., & Elfil, H. (2022). Satellite Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Soil Clay Mapping Based on the Spectral Index and Spectral Bands Approaches. Remote Sensing14(5), 1103. DOI
  6. Gomez, C., Aboubacar, M. S., Ienco, D., Feurer, D., Jenhaoui, Z., Rafla, A.,  Bailly, J. S. (2022). Sentinel-2 images to assess soil surface characteristics over a rainfed Mediterranean cropping system. Catena, 213, 106152. DOI
  7. Gomez, C., Chevallier, T., Moulin, P., Arrouays, D., & Barthès, B. G. (2022). Using carbonate absorbance peak to select the most suitable regression model before predicting soil inorganic carbon concentration by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Geoderma405, 115403. DOI 
  8. Bahri, H., Raclot, D., Barbouchi, M., Lagacherie, P., & Annabi, M. (2022). Mapping soil organic carbon stocks in Tunisian topsoils. Geoderma Regional30, e00561. DOI
  9. Mahjoub, O., Mauffret, A., Michel, C., & Chmingui, W. (2022). Use of groundwater and reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation: Farmers’ practices and attitudes and related environmental and health risks. Chemosphere295, 133945. DOI
  10. Massuel, S., Feurer, D., El Maaoui, M. A., & Calvez, R. (2022). Deriving bathymetries from unmanned aerial vehicles: a case study of a small intermittent reservoir. Hydrological Sciences Journal67(1), 82-93. DOI
  11. Mwangi S, Boulet G, Olioso A,  Assessment of an extended SPARSE model for estimatingevapotranspiration from directional thermal infrared data, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 317 (2022) 108882 DOI
  12. Pastor A.V., Nunes J.P., Ciampalini R., Bahri H., Annabi M., Chikhaoui M., Crabit A., Follain S., Keizer J.J., Latron J., Licciardello F., Marien L., Mekki I., Moreno de las Heras M., Molina A.J., Naimi M., Valente S., Raclot D. (2022). ScenaLand: a simple methodology for developing land use and management scenarios for erosion mitigation under global change”. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 27-32. DOI.
  13. Pastor A.V., Nunes J.P., Ciampalini R., Bahri H., Annabi M., Chikhaoui M., Crabit A., Follain S., Keizer J.J., Latron J., Licciardello F., Marien L., Mekki I., Moreno de las Heras M., Molina A.J., Naimi M., Valente S., Raclot D. (2022). ScenaLand: a simple methodology for developing land use and management scenarios for erosion mitigation under global change”. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 27-32.DOI.
  14. Vidal, T.H., Gamet, P., Olioso, A. and Jacob, F., 2022. Optimizing TRISHNA TIR channels configuration for improved land surface temperature and emissivity measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 272, p.112939. DOI
  15. Voltz, M., Guibaud, G., Dagès, C., Douzals, J.P., Guibal, R., Grimbuhler, S., Grünberger, O., Lissalde, S., Mazella, N., Samouëlian, A. and Simon, S., 2022. Pesticide and agro-ecological transition: assessing the environmental and human impacts of pesticides and limiting their use. Environmental Science and Pollution Research29(1), pp.1-5.DOI
  16. Zarai, B., Walter, C., Michot, D., Montoroi, J. P., & Hachicha, M. (2022). Integrating multiple electromagnetic data to map spatiotemporal variability of soil salinity in Kairouan region, Central Tunisia. Journal of Arid Land14(2), 186-202. DOI
  1. Arfa, L., & Elloumi, M. (2021). La filière tomate de transformation à Haouaria en Tunisie: prédominance de la forme industrielle déterritorialisée. Cahiers Agricultures30, 31. DOI.
  2. Ayari, E., Kassouk, Z., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Baghdadi, N., Bousbih, S., & Zribi, M. (2021, September). ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 use for retrieving soil moisture over cereal fields in semi-arid area: the Kairouan plain–central Tunisia. In Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXIII(Vol. 11856, pp. 224-233). SPIE. DOI
  3. Biarnès, A., Bailly, J. S., Mekki, I., & Ferchichi, I. (2021). Land use mosaics in Mediterranean rainfed agricultural areas as an indicator of collective crop successions: Insights from a land use time series study conducted in Cap Bon, Tunisia. Agricultural Systems194, 103281. DOI
  4. Cécile Gomez, Tiphaine Chevallier, Patricia Moulin, Dominique Arrouays, Bernard G. Barthès, Using carbonate absorbance peak to select the most suitable regression model before predicting soil inorganic carbon concentration by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, Geoderma,Volume 405,2022,115403,ISSN 0016-7061, DOI
  5. Gasmi, A., Gomez, C., Lagacherie, P., Zouari, H., Laamrani, A. and Chehbouni, A., 2021. Mean spectral reflectance from bare soil pixels along a Landsat-TM time series to increase both the prediction accuracy of soil clay content and mapping coverage. Geoderma388, p.114864. DOI
  6. Guzinski, R., Nieto, H., Boulet, G., Boujnah, D., & Koetz, B. (2021, July). Assessing Utility of Copernicus-Based Evapotranspiration Maps for National Monitoring of Field-Scale Water Use. In 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS (pp. 6587-6590). IEEE. DOI
  7. Guzinski, R., Nieto, H., Sánchez, J. M., López-Urrea, R., Boujnah, D. M., & Boulet, G. (2021). Utility of Copernicus-based inputs for actual evapotranspiration modeling in support of sustainable water use in agriculture. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing14, 11466-11484.  DOI
  8. Jacob, F., Vidal, T.H., Lesaignoux, A., Olioso, A., Weiss, M., Nerry, F., Jacquemoud, S., Gamet, P., Caillault, K., Labarre, L. and French, A., 2021. A Simulation-Based Error Budget of the TES Method for the Design of the Spectral Configuration of the Micro-Bolometer-Based MISTIGRI Thermal Infrared Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, pp.1-19.DOI
  9. Jeanne, R., Sylvain, M., & Hamza, J. (2021). Looking for more groundwater. From the exploitation of the Bou Hafna aquifer (1895–present) to Franco-Tunisian hydrogeology. Water History13(3), 407-425. DOI
  10. Khelifa, W. B., Strohmeier, S., Benabdallah, S., & Habaieb, H. (2021). Modelling the impact of soil and water conservation structures at various scales in Tunisian semi-arid region. Arabian Journal of Geosciences14(24), 1-12. DOI
  11. Mahjoub, O., & Chmengui, W. (2021). Pharmaceutical active compounds in marine and coastal environments of arid and semi-arid countries of the Arab region. In Pharmaceuticals in Marine and Coastal Environments (pp. 91-119). Elsevier. DOI
  12. Marzougui, N., Guasmi, F., Dhouioui, S., Bouhlel, M., Hachicha, M., Berndtsson, R., & Sleimi, N. (2021). Efficiency of Different Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Varieties as Natural Coagulants for Urban Wastewater Treatment. Sustainability13(23), 13500. DOI
  13. Molénat, J., Dagès, C., Bouteffeha, M., & Mekki, I. (2021). Can small reservoirs be used to gauge stream runoff? Journal of Hydrology603, 127087. DOI
  14. Rebai H., Raclot D., Ben Slimane A., Ben Ouezdou H. (2021). Facteurs et dynamique du ravinement dans le bassin versant de Fidh Ali (Tunisie) de 1952 à 2009. Annales de l’INRGREF, 22 : 53-76. DOI
  15. Vidal, T.H., Jacob, F., Olioso, A. and Gamet, P., 2021. Optimization of instrumental spectral configurations for the split-window method in the context of the TRISHNA mission. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, pp.1-14.DOI
  1. Farhani N., Carreau J., Boulet G., Kassouk Z., Le Page M., Lili-Chabaane Z., Zitouna R., 2020. Scenarios of hydrometeorological variables based on auxiliary data for water stress retrieval in central Tunisia, Journal of Hydrology, DOI.
  2. Ferchichi I., Mekki I., Elloumi M., Arfa L., & Lardon S., 2020. Actors, Scales and Spaces Dynamics Linked to Groundwater Resources use for Agriculture Production in Haouaria Plain, Tunisia. A Territory Game Approach. Land, 9(3), 74. DOI.
  3. Foucras M., Zribi M., Albergel C., Baghdadi N., Calvet J. C., & Pellarin T., 2020. Estimating 500-m Resolution Soil Moisture Using Sentinel-1 and Optical Data Synergy. Water, 12(3), 866. DOI.
  4. Pijl A., Bailly J. S., Feurer D., El Maaoui M. A., Boussema M. R., & Tarolli P., 2020. TERRA: Terrain Extraction from elevation Rasters through Repetitive Anisotropic filtering. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 84, 101977. DOI.
  5. Weiss M., Jacob F., & Duveiller G., 2020. Remote sensing for agricultural applications: A meta-review. Remote Sensing of Environment, 236, 111402. DOI.
  1. Alaya I., Masmoudi M. M., Jacob F., Mechlia N. B., 2019. Up-scaling of crop productivity estimations using the AquaCrop model and GIS-based operations. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12(14), 419. DOI.
  2. Ben Zekri Y., Barkaoui K., Marrou H., Mekki I., Belhouchette H., & Wery J., 2019. On farm analysis of the effect of the preceding crop on N uptake and grain yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in Mediterranean conditions. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(5), 596-611. DOI.
  3. Boudhina N., Masmoudi M., Alaya I., Jacob F., Ben Mechlia N., 2019. Use of AquaCrop model for estimating crop evapotranspiration and biomass production in hilly topography. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12(8), 259. DOI.
  4. Bousbih S., Zribi M., Pelletier C., Gorrab A., Lili-Chabaane Z., Baghdadi N., Mougenot B., 2019. Soil texture estimation using radar and optical data from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. Remote Sensing, 11(13), 1520. DOI.
  5. Coste C.M., Riaux-Gobin C., Riaux J., Saenz-Agudelo P., Massuel S., Calvez R., Ector L., Ben Aissa N., Bou Rkhiss A., 2019. Aïn KiBrit A. two springs from the Merguellil Basin (Kairouan, central Tunisia): Diatom assemblages, Biological polluosensitivity indices, hydrogeology and societal aspects. Vie et Milieu, Laboratoire Arago, 69 (1). DOI.
  6. Gasmi A., Gomez C., Lagacherie P., Zouari H., 2019. Surface soil clay content mapping at large scales using multispectral (VNIR–SWIR) ASTER data. International journal of remote sensing, 40(4), 1506-1533. DOI.
  7. Jouini M., Burte J., Biard Y., Benaissa N., Amara H., Sinfort C., 2019. A framework for coupling a participatory approach and life cycle assessment for public decision-making in rural territory management. Science of The Total Environment, 655, 1017-1027. DOI.
  8. Lagacherie P., Arrouays D., Bourennane H., Gomez C., Martin M., Saby N. P., 2019. How far can the uncertainty on a Digital Soil Map be known?: A numerical experiment using pseudo values of clay content obtained from Vis-SWIR hyperspectral imagery. Geoderma, 337, 1320-1328. DOI.
  9. Le Page M., Zribi M., 2019. Analysis and Predictability of Drought In Northwest Africa Using Optical and Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing Products. Scientific Reports, 9, 1466. DOI.
  10. Ogilvie A., Riaux J., Massuel S., Mulligan M., Belaud G., Le Goulven P., Calvez R., 2019. Socio-hydrological drivers of agricultural water use in small reservoirs. Agricultural Water Management, 218, 17-29. DOI.
  11. Peña-Angulo D., Nadal-Romero E., González-Hidalgo J.C., Albaladejo J., Andreu V., Bagarello V., Barhi H., Batalla R.J., Bernal S., Bienes R., Campo J., Campo-Bescós M.A., Canatario-Duarte A., Cantón Y., Casali J., Castillo V., Cerdà A., Cheggour A., Cid P., Cortesi N., Desir G., Díaz-Pereira E., Espigares T., Estrany J., Fernández-Raga M., Ferreira C.S.S., Ferro V., Gallart F., Giménez R., Gimeno E., Gómez J.A., Gómez-Gutiérrez A., Gómez-Macpherson H., González-Pelayo O., Hueso-González P., Kairis O., Karatzas G.P., Klotz S., Kosmas C., Lana-Renault, Lasanta T., Latron J., Lázaro R., Le Bissonnais Y., Le Bouteiller C., Licciardello F., López-Tarazón J.A., Lucía A., Marín C., Marqués M.J., Martínez-Fernández J., Martínez-Mena M., Martínez-Murillo J.F., Mateos L., Mathys N., Merino-Martín L., Moreno-de las Heras M., Moustakas N., Nicolau J.M., Novara A., Pampalone V., Raclot D., Rodríguez-Blanco M.L., Rodrigo-Comino J., Romero-Díaz A., Roose E., Rubio J.L., Ruiz-Sinoga J.D., Schnabel S., Senciales-González J.M., Simonneaux V., Solé-Benet A., Taguas E.V., Taboada-Castro M.M., Taboada-Castro M.T., Todisco F., Úbeda X., Varouchakis E.A., Vericat D., Wittenberg L., Zabaleta A., Zorn M., 2019. Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin. Journal of hydrology, 571, 390-405. DOI.
  12. Tramblay Y., Feki, H. Quintana‐Seguí P., & Guijarro J. A., Carreau J., 2019. The SAFRAN daily gridded precipitation product in Tunisia (1979–2015). International Journal of Climatology, 39(15), 5830-5838. DOI.
  1. Ben Slimane A., Raclot D., Rebai H., Le Bissonnais Y., Planchon O., Bouksila F., 2018. Combining field monitoring and aerial imagery to evaluate the role of gully erosion in a Mediterranean catchment (Tunisia). Catena, 170, 73-83. DOI.
  2. Boudhina N., Zitouna Chebbi R., Mekki I., Jacob F., Ben Mechlia N., Masmoudi M., Prévot L., 2018. Evaluating four gap-filling methods for eddy covariance measurements of evapotranspiration over hilly crop fields. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 7, 151–167. DOI.
  3. Boulet G., Delogu E., Saadi S., Chebbi W., Olioso A., Mougenot B., Fanise P., Lili-Chabaane Z., Lagouarde, J. P., 2018. Evapotranspiration and evaporation/transpiration partitioning with dual source energy balance models in agricultural lands. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 380, 17-22. DOI.
  4. Bousbih S., Zribi M., El-Hajj M., Baghdadi N., Lili-Chabaane Z., Qi G., and Fanise P., 2018. Soil Moisture and Irrigation Mapping in A Semi-Arid Region, Based on the Synergetic Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data. Remote Sensing, 10, 1953. DOI.
  5. Braiki H., Burte J., Imache A., Hassenforder E., Habaieb H., Bouarfa S., 2018. Expérimenter la concertation : une clé pour des politiques environnementales plus efficaces ? Une démarche multi-acteurs innovante en Tunisie centrale. Cah. Agric. 27, 15003. DOI.
  6. Chahbi Bellakanji A., Zribi M., Lili-Chabaane Z., Mougenot B., 2018. Forecasting of Cereal Yields in a Semi-arid Area Using the Simple Algorithm for Yield Estimation (SAFY) Agro-Meteorological Model Combined with Optical SPOT/HRV Images. Sensors, 18(7), 2138. DOI.
  7. Chebbi W., Boulet G., Le Dantec V., Lili Chabaane Z., Fanise P., Mougenot B., Ayari H., 2018. Analysis of evapotranspiration components of a rainfed olive orchard during three contrasting years in a semi-arid climate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 256–257, 159-178. DOI.
  8. Chergui S., Jaberi A., Cudennec C., Lachaal F., Calvez R., Slimani M., 2018. Statistical detection and no-detection of rainfall change trends and breaks in semiarid Tunisia-50+ years over the Merguellil agro-hydro-climatic reference basin. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11:675. DOI.
  9. Delogu E., Boulet G., Olioso A., Garrigues S., Brut A., Tallec T., Demarty J., Soudani K., Lagouarde J. P., 2018. Evaluation of the SPARSE Dual-Source Model for Predicting Water Stress and Evapotranspiration from Thermal Infrared Data over Multiple Crops and Climates. Remote Sensing, 10(11), 1806. DOI.
  10. Ferchichi I., Zaïri A., Marlet S., & Ajmi T., 2018. Gestion de la pénurie d’eau dans les périmètres de sauvegarde des agrumes au Cap Bon: une analyse croisée des politiques publiques et des pratiques locales d’irrigation. Alternatives Rurales, (6). DOI.
  11. Feurer D., Vinatier, F., 2018 Joining multi-epoch archival aerial images in a single SfM block allows 3-D change detection with almost exclusively image information. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 146, 495-506.
  12. Feurer D., Planchon O., El Maaoui M. A., Ben Slimane A., Boussema M. R., Pierrot-Deseilligny M., Raclot, D., 2018. Using kites for 3-D mapping of gullies at decimetre-resolution over several square kilometres: a case study on the Kamech catchment, Tunisia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 18, 1567-1582. DOI.
  13. Finco C., Pontoreau C., Schamper C., Massuel S., Hovhannissian G., Rejiba F., 2018. Time‐domain electromagnetic imaging of a clayey confining bed in a brackish environment: a case study in the Kairouan Plain Aquifer (Kelbia salt lake, Tunisia). Hydrological Processes, 32: 3954-3965. DOI.
  14. Gomez C., Adeline K., Bacha S., Driessen B., Gorretta N., Lagacherie P., Roger J.M., Briottet X., 2018. Sensitivity of clay content prediction to spectral configuration of VNIR / SWIR imaging data, from multispectral to hyperspectral scenarios. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204, 18–30. DOI.
  15. Jerbi H., Massuel S., Leduc C., Tarhouni J., 2018. Assessing groundwater storage in the Kairouan plain aquifer using a 3D lithology model (Central Tunisia) Arabian. Journal of Geosciences, 11, 236, Page 1. DOI.
  16. Lachaal F., Ben Messaoud R., Jellalia D., Chargui S., Chekirbane A., Mlayah A., Massuel S., Leduc C., 2018. Impact of water on groundwater hydrochemical changes: case of Grombalia shallow aquifer, NE of Tunisia, Arabian journal of Geosciences. DOI.
  17. Lagacherie P., Álvaro-Fuentes J., Annabi M., Bernoux M., Bouarfa S., Douaoui A., Grünberger O., Hammami A., Montanarella L., Mrabet R., Sabir M., Raclot D., 2018. Managing Mediterranean soil resources under global change: expected trends and mitigation strategies. Regional Environmental Change, 18, 663-675. DOI.
  18. Massuel S., Riaux J., Molle F., Kuper M., Ogilvie A., Collard A‐L., Leduc C., Barreteau O., 2018. Inspiring a broader socio‐hydrological negotiation approach with interdisciplinary field‐based experience. Water Resources Research, 54. DOI.
  19. Mekki I., Bailly J.S., Jacob F., Chebbi H., Ajmi T., Blanca Y., Zairi, A., Biarnès A., 2018. Impact of farmland fragmentation on rainfed crop allocation in Mediterranean landscapes: A case study of the Lebna watershed in Cap Bon, Tunisia. Land Use Policy, 75, 772–783. DOI.
  20. Mekki I., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Jacob F, Ben Mechlia N., Masmoudi M., Prévot L., Albergel J., Voltz M., 2018. Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem: a case study in the cap bon peninsula in Tunisia. AGROFOR International Journal, 3(1), 64-75. DOI.
  21. Molénat J.‚ Raclot D., Zitouna R.‚ Andrieux P.‚ Coulouma G., Feurer D., Grünberger O., Lamachère J.M., Bailly J.S., Belotti J.L., Ben Azzez K., Ben Mechlia N., Ben Younès Louati M., Biarnès A., Blanca Y., Carrière D., Chaabane H., Dagès C., Debabria A., Dubreuil A., Fabre J.C., Fagès D., Floure C., Garnier F., Geniez C., Gomez C., Hamdi R., Huttel O., Jacob F., Jenhaoui Z., Lagacherie P., Le Bissonnais Y., Louati R., Louchart X., Mekki I., Moussa R., Negro S., Pépin Y., Prévot L., Samouélian A., Seidel J.L., Trotoux G., Troiano S., Vinatier F., Zante P., Zrelli J., Albergel J., Voltz M. OMERE, a long-term observatory of soil and water resources in interaction with agricultural and land management in Mediterranean hilly catchments. Vadose Zone Journal, 17:180086. DOI.
  22. Ogilvie A., Belaud G., Massuel S., Mulligan M., Le Goulven P., Malaterre P.-O., Calvez R., 2018. Combining Landsat observations with hydrological modelling for improved surface water monitoring of small lakes, Journal of Hydrology,566, 109-121. DOI.
  23. Saadi S., Boulet G., Bahir M., Brut A., Delogu E., Fanise P., Mougenot B., Simonneaux V., Lili Chabaane Z., 2018. Assessment of actual evapotranspiration over a semiarid heterogeneous land surface by means of coupled low-resolution remote sensing data with an energy balance model: comparison to extra-large aperture scintillometer measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 22, 2187-2209. DOI.
  24. Smetanova A., Le Bissonnais Y., Raclot D., João Pedro N., Licciardello F., Le Bouteiller C., Latron J., Caballero E.R., Mathys N., Klotz S., Mekki I., Gallart, F., Benet A.S., Gallego N.P., Andrieux P., Moussa R., Planchon O., Santos J., Alshihabi, O., Chikhaoui M., 2018. Temporal variability and time compression of sediment yield in small Mediterranean catchments: impacts for land and water management. Soil Use & Management, 34, 388-403. DOI.
  25. Souissi I., Boisson J.M., Mekki I., Therond O., Flichman G., Wery J., Belhouchette H., 2018. Impact assessment of climate change on farming systems in the South Mediterranean area: a Tunisian case study. Regional Environmental Change, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 637–650 DOI
  26. Voltz M., Ludwig W., Leduc C., Bouarfa S., 2018. Mediterranean land systems under global change: current state and future challenges. Regional Environmental Change, 18, 619-622. DOI.
  27. Younes A., Zaouali J., Fahs M., Slama F., Grunberger O., Mara T.A., 2018. Bayesian soil parameter estimation: results of percolation-drainage vs infiltration laboratory experiments. Journal of Hydrology, 565, 770-778. DOI.
  28. Younes A., Mara T. A., Voltz M., Guellouz L., Baalousha H. M., Fahs M., 2018. A new efficient Bayesian parameter inference strategy: Application to flow and pesticide transport through unsaturated porous media. Journal of Hydrology, 563, 887-899. DOI.
  29. Zitouna-Chebbi R., Prévot L., Chakhar A., Marniche-Ben Abdallah M., Jacob F., 2018. Observing Actual Evapotranspiration from Flux Tower Eddy Covariance Measurements within a Hilly Watershed: Case Study of the Kamech Site, Cap Bon Peninsula, Tunisia. Atmosphere, 9, 68. DOI.
  1. Annabi M., Raclot D., Bahri H., Bailly J.S., Gomez C., Le Bissonnais Y., 2017. Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. Catena, 153,157-167. DOI.
  2. Bousbih S., Zribi M., Lili-Chabaane Z., Baghdadi N., El Hajj M., Gao Q., Mougenot B., 2017. Potential of Sentinel-1 Radar Data for the Assessment of Soil and Cereal Cover Parameters, Sensors, 17(11), 2617. DOI.
  3. Baghdadi N., ElHajj M., Zribi M., Bousbih S., 2017. Calibration of the Water Cloud Model at C-Band for Winter Crop Fields and Grasslands, Remote Sensing, 9, 969. DOI.
  4. Feurer D., El Maaoui M.A., Boussema M.R., Planchon O., 2017. Méthode opérationnelle de production d’orthophotos et de MNT décimétriques à l’échelle du kilomètre carré par cerf-volant. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 213,43-53. DOI.
  5. Ferchichi I., Marlet S., Zairi A., 2017. How Farmers Deal with Water Scarcity in Community‐Managed Irrigation SYSTEMS: A Case Study in Northern Tunisia. Irrigation and Drainage, 66(4), 556-566. DOI.
  6. Gorrab A., Simonneaux V., Zribi M., Saadi S., Baghdadi N., Lili-Chabaane Z., Fanise P., 2017. Bare Soil HYdrological Balance Model “MHYSAN”: Calibration and Validation Using SAR Moisture Products and Continuous Thetaprobe Network Measurements over bare agricultural soils (Tunisia), Journal of Arid Environments,139, 11-25. DOI.
  7. Inoubli N., Raclot D., Mekki I., Moussa R., Le Bissonnais Y. 2017. A spatio-temporal multiscale analysis of runoff and erosion in a Mediterranean marly catchment. Vadose Zone Journal, 16(12), DOI.
  8. Kuper M., Leduc C., Massuel S., Bouarfa S., 2017. Topical Collection: Groundwater-based agriculture in the Mediterranean. Hydrogeology Journal, 25(6), 1525-1528. DOI.
  9. Lachaal F., Chargui S., Messaoud R.B., Chekirbane A., Tsujimura M., Mlayah A., Massuel S., Leduc C., 2017. Impacts of Global Changes on Groundwater Resources in North-East Tunisia: The Case of the Grombalia Phreatic Aquifer. Environmental Earth Sciences. DOI.
  10. Massuel S., Amichi F., Ameur F., Calvez R., Jenhaoui Z., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., Habaieb H., Hartani T., Hammani A., 2017. Considering groundwater use to improve the assessment of groundwater pumping for irrigation in North Africa. Hydrogeology Journal, 25(6), 1565-1577. DOI.
  11. Massuel S, Riaux J., 2017. Groundwater overexploitation: why is the red flag waved? Case study on the Kairouan Plain aquifer (central Tunisia). Hydrogeology Journal, 25(6), 1607-1620. DOI.
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