
3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress


22 -24 March 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia

The Laboratory of Georessources (LGR, CERTE) is organizing, in collaboration with the Tunisian Association of Georesources (ATGr) the 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC2021), which will take place in Hammamet (Tunisia) from 22 to 24 March 2021.

Aim and Objectives

AGIC 2021 will bring together researchers, research scholars, experts and policy makers to share their research, experiences and discuss recent advances in Water Quality, Global Changes and Ground water Responses. The conference will cover many aspects related to Watershed and Groundwater grouped in four main topics:

-Track 1: Water quality in hydrosystems

-Track 2: Impacts of global changes on water resources

-Track 3: Groundwater response to anthropogenic pressure

-Track 4: Sustainable and smart solutions for water resources management

For further details please visit the conference website