In order to carry out these missions, the LMI NAÏLA has acquired several governance tools, which are detailed below.
The Guardianship Committee
It is composed of representatives of the supervisory authorities (IRD, MESRS / DGRS and MARHP / IRESA), members of the management committee, as well as the representative of the IRD in Tunisia and a representative of the French embassy in Tunisia who both have an advisory vote. The supervisory committee's mission is to decide on the institutional scope of the LMI, on the constitution of the management committee, as well as on the continuation of the LMI or its reorientation towards another form of support.
The management committee
It is composed of the two co-directors and a representative of each of the main partners. Its mission is to direct and guide the activities of the LMI, to ensure the management of all the means made available to the LMI, to seek new partners in the countries of the South, to prepare responses to calls of competitive projects, as well as producing activity, self-assessment and prospective reports.
Axis facilitators
There are two per axis, in order to form Tunisian-French pairs. Axis facilitators have the task of coordinating the activities of the axes in coherence with the scientific challenges of the LMI, of contributing to the structuring of activities between the axes, and of encouraging the preparation of responses to calls for competitive projects.
The scientific monitoring committee
It is a body for reflection and proposals in terms of science policy. It is made up of the management committee as well as a panel of external scientific personalities recognized for their expertise in LMI research themes. Its mission is (1) to advise the LMI management on scientific orientations, training and development activities, and (2) to formulate an opinion on the relevance and opportunity of activities, the mobilization of resources, as well as on the organization and operation of the LMI.
The scientific monitoring committee
It is a body for reflection and proposals in terms of valuation policy. It is made up of the management committee and 13 members from the professional world: 5 technical departments (DG-BGTH, DGGR, DGRE, DG-ACTA / D Sols, DGPA), 1 operational observatory (ONAGRI), 2 technical institutes (CTA, INGC), 2 regional offices for agricultural development (CRDA Kairouan, CRDA Nabeul), 2 manufacturers (NGI-MAGHREB, SMVDA TUSALCO) and 1 development agency (AFD). Its mission is to contribute to the post-ante and ex-ante analysis of management methods, to specify the needs of end users and intermediaries, to propose research orientations in line with the priorities defined by the national agricultural policy in Tunisia, and to co-construct with LMI researchers the innovations that meet the needs.