NAILA & Societal valuation

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NAILA & Societal valuation

  • Constitution of a Tunisian academic collective which reaches a critical mass for calls for large-scale projects and which dialogues in the Mediterranean;
  • Constitution of a Mediterranean academic collective which capitalizes on the existing institutional infrastructures, and which positions itself on international calls for tenders by mobilizing skills on the northern shore of the Mediterranean;
  • Constitution of an academic collective which is part of the tripartite dynamic Europe - Latin America - Africa, with the GDRI ARID which federates a partnership of 6 countries to study the evolution of socio‐hydrosystems;
  • Constitution of a Tunisian collective bringing together the academic and professional sphere with the constitution of a user committee), in order to conduct actions of co-construction / transfer of research products to meet the needs of the professional sphere
  • Preparatory training for COP 21 "Climate and Education for Sustainable Development" for the Ministry of National Education, Montpellier.
  • Presentation of activities within the framework of the ANR ALMIRA project on the theme of the adaptation of landscape mosaics.
  • Conference for the general public in collaboration with ORE OMERE at the French Institute in Tunisia, in the form of a film - debate, as part of the celebrations of 60 years of Franco-Tunisian scientific cooperation via the IRD.
  • Screening of the film “time to observe”, followed by a debate, with the theme of the usefulness of conducting continuous observations on climate forcing and agricultural practices in a long-term perspective.
  • A dozen participatory seminars on the design of future scenarios for anthropogenic forcing, including land use and crop rotation, drinking water management, agricultural water management in irrigated areas. These seminars were mainly conducted within the framework of the ANR TRANSMED ALMIRA and AMETHYST projects.

  • Technical reports on the consequences envisaged by future scenarios of anthropogenic forcing, and which are based on numerical simulations. In the future, these reports will take the form of policy briefs.

  • NAÏLA is involved in the AFD ADAPT'ACTION program in Tunisia, with the contributions of its members via selected international consortia.

  • The work carried out by the NAÏLA collective contributes to the SDGs as well as to the science of sustainability, mobilization of skills in social and biophysical sciences, involvement of the professional world for the co-construction of new management methods.
  • NAÏLA is involved in expertise actions for international bodies oriented towards research and decision-making, through the contributions of its members who are involved in international consortia on the basis of their thematic skills.
  • Design and implementation of database for ministerial technical departments, mainly including agro-climatic and hydro-sedimentary measures, in connection with reservoirs (aquifers, dams).
  • Design, implementation and dissemination of MEDI[1] and SAMIR[2] tools.

NAILA & Economic Valuation

1 . In terms of technology transfer, the NAÏLA collective carries out several actions for the members of the users’ committee:
  • Training and production of technical documents relating to 1/ the use of micro-meteorological data for monitoring the water consumption of citrus fruits, and 2/ the use of cultural coefficients for the management of irrigation, and this for the benefiting farmers through technical centres;
  • Training seminars (in Tunisia) and training stays (in France) on the processing of satellite data for the digital mapping of soils in connection with the agro-climatic and agro-hydrological potentialities at the scale of the Tunisian national territory, for the benefit of ministerial technical departments.
2 . In terms of expertise:
  • Several members of NAÏLA officiate as experts in scientific committees for the benefit of space agencies (CNES, NASA, ISRO), with a view to contributing to the dimensioning of future dedicated satellite missions (MISTIGRI, THIRSTY, TRISHNA), among others , monitoring the processes that drive the evolution of water and soil resources in semi-arid agricultural environments.