Les antibiotiques à usage vétérinaires (et humains) dans les ressources en eau et en sol dans le bassin versant du Kamech au regard des pratiques agricoles (et domestiques)
Phase I : Etude exploratoire sur les pratiques, les produits, et les molécules d’antibiotiques dans les ressources en eau
Goals | Identify practices related to the use and potential sources of antibiotics in the agricultural environment. – Identify at least one molecule to be used as an indicator of contamination of water resources (groundwater and hill lake) – Explore antibiotic resistance in water resources. – Study the correlations between the concentration of antibiotics and the degree and type of resistance. |
Methodology | • Bibliographic research and synthesis on antibiotics in the agricultural environment • Survey of farmers and veterinarians in Kamech • Water sampling and analysis: physico-chemical and microbiological parameters • Exploration of antibiotic resistance in waters • Counting, interpretation of results, drafting of reports + draft of a publication |
Principle results | List of farmers and veterinarians being finalized. 6 farmers and 2 veterinarians interviewed. – Well water is contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which poses a health risk. The infiltration of antibiotics can be the source of resistance selection pressure. This contamination would be due to the use of ATBs for farms, which must be verified by analysis. |