
Arboriculture report

Arboriculture report

This action aims to mobilize a panel of methodologies in order to improve the decision support tools (DST) used in the citrus technical center for the management of irrigation

The first step is to better characterize the water needs of crops through

(1) spatial monitoring of humidity in the root zone (geophysical surveys)

(2) monitoring tree transpiration by combining several techniques (sap flow, xylem water potential, turbulent covariances).

The measurements collected then make it possible to adjust the operational tools of the FAO-56 type. Thus, the OAD CITRIG is designed with simplicity in mind, then made available to users via collaborative workshops.

This action is appreciated by the professional community, and requests come from other agricultural organizations.

This action is being deepened with the start of a doctorate on flow modeling, in connection with the start of two contractual research projects (FLUXMED, ALTOS).

This action is based on new collaborations (CTA, INRGREF, CESBIO, iEES, CERTE), it mobilizes skills in bioclimatology, geophysics, irrigation and technical advice (axis 1, 2 and recovery).

The cross-cutting actions carried out in broader frameworks than NAÏLA relate to large-scale contractual projects in which the NAÏLA collective is committed before and during NAÏLA 1, and which aim

(1) to analyze the co-evolution of water resources under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic changes (land occupation, water use trajectories),

(2) to explore the modulation of landscape mosaics to optimize landscape services, and

(3) to study the impact of land use on soil vulnerability to erosion.

Integrated studies in finalization are based on:

(1) the establishment of spatialized scenarios over several decades in terms of climate, land use, water and soil conservation, and water consumption by irrigation, and

(2) the quantification of their impacts on erosion as well as the recharge of aquifers and dams.

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Actions in detail

Action I: Transfer of tools to development agents: Crop water consumption and the impact of climate change

Transversal activity of the LMI between axis 2, axis 3 and the valorisation axis – Action financed 2018

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