Naila Evaluation

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The first phase of the NAILA International Joint Laboratory (water resource management in Tunisian rural areas) was completed in 2020, in a very restrictive health context. The LMI as a whole was unable to organize its annual seminar to present its results and to be evaluated by the supervisory authorities (MESRS, IRESA and IRD). Thus, NAILA was evaluated by a committee of experts appointed by the supervisory bodies by videoconference on October 19 and 20.

  • The first day was dedicated to the presentation of the NAILA project for the next 5 years, on the basis of the achievements during the past five years, both by the management of the LMI and by the facilitators of the various axes (research, training and development ).
  • The second day was an opportunity for the evaluators to discuss with the stakeholders involved in NAILA, the latter being grouped together within the user committee which ensures consistency between academic activities and the needs of the professional world. An exchange was also conducted with the contract workers who bring the LMI to life on a daily basis through the activities they carry out at doctoral and post-doctoral level.

During the first five-year period 2016-2020, the actions undertaken made it possible to establish solid links between Tunisian and French laboratories, and to constitute a consortium of researchers working on the problem of water resources in Tunisian rural areas. An international network has also been set up, allowing the implementation of large-scale research projects (ARIMNet, ERA-NET MED, PRIMA, H2020, JPI WATER). Finally, the skills available within NAILA are mobilized on international expertise actions for research (EU/REA, IEEE, EGU, IAHS) and decision-making (COP, 4p1000, AFD, CSFD, OMM, CGIAR).

Discussions with the team of experts and the recommendations issued will be very valuable in improving the operation of the LMI if it is renewed.