
The valorization axis aims to increase interactions between academics and stakeholders, with a view to

(1) to formulate research questions in line with the needs of said parties

(2) to transfer and promote the results and achievements of the LMI.

The aim is to support the actors in the co-construction of innovations in order to improve the multi-lever and multi-performing management of agro systems according to economic, social and environmental criteria.

Given the interdependence of strategies and decisions taken at national and regional levels, the challenge for NAÏLA 2 is to decipher the logics that make it possible to develop solutions and / or support actions adapted to the expectations formulated during NAÏLA 1.

  • Possibilities offered by remote sensing: soil mapping, surface condition, bathymetric, global water balance. This is a strong demand from stakeholders.
  • Use of models and protocols for characterization and monitoring of environmental dynamics: characterization and monitoring of the functional properties of soils, area estimation, tracing of upstream/downstream sediments, forecasting of harvests and dam/aquifer recharges.
  • Water management in irrigated perimeters: this issue is considered at two levels. On the one hand, it is a question of improving irrigated systems by promoting self-management and upgrading user associations, for a better service of access to water and better monitoring of consumption. . On the other hand, it is a question of improving the efficiency of irrigation through multi-performance analysis and the adoption of new technologies (e.g., smart sensors, applications).
  • Adaptation to climate change: this involves quantifying the impact of agronomic innovations (e.g., cultivation practices, varietal choices). This component benefits from the support of the AFD (member of the CU) within the framework of the Adapt Action facility which aims to support Tunisia towards a development trajectory resilient to the impacts of CC (Signature of the Protocol of Understanding Adapt Action between AFD, Expertise France and Tunisia (One Planet Summit – Paris, December 12, 2017).